Welcome to the alancameron.net website.

This is an attempt to put together a website for testing a PHP based SQRL server.

You should note that if you accessed this or any other page using http:// it has been converted to https://

The correct access to this site is https://alancameron.net

I will be showing what progress has been made by someone who really does not know very much about creating a website.

As each stage is passed this page will be updated to allow viewers to see the progress that has been made and the next stepa that are planned.

Date of last update 9 Apr 2024

The steps that are planned

Steps Status
Install Ubuntu, Apache2, MySQL, PHP7, PHPMyAdmin Completed
Install FTP software vsftpd, eMail software postfix Completed
Update security for SSH and FTP Completed
Install SSP-API for PHP SQRL Removed
Update website to show something. Click SolarData to see it. Completed
Update website to allow public access and dev access simultaneously Completed
Review access methodology In Progress